So today marks the 17 week milestone...I've made it 17 weeks! Can you believe it? This journey has brought out every emotion I ever thought I could feel. I am excited, nervous, scared, anxious and every other emotion all rolled into one. Carrying a child is like something I can't explain. When I listen to the heartbeat I can't help but thank God for the awesome creation who has orchestrated inside of me. What a blessing.
Overall I have been feeling pretty good, aside from being a little tired and having some "growing pains", I've been feeling good. As of today, I am up 3.5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy those of you who are following know that means I gained 1.5 pounds this week...I'm going to blame Thanksgiving on that!! haha!
So here are my newest pictures...I still don't think I've "Popped" yet...I think it's getting really close though. I am also waiting anxiously to feel the baby move. I think I may have felt it a couple of times, but I'm not sure if it was baby or gas...they say it can be confusing at first!! haha! So here I am with my bump:
And here I am with my shirt down:
And here is how big our little baby is to date: