Friday, December 19, 2008
34 weeks and more testing
Well, as we awaited the results of Mia's ultrasound and EEG, we received some grim news. The ultrasound pictures were not good enough to rule out what they were looking for. So she was scheduled for a CT scan. As I talked to the Dr. more, I realized they were checking her for cancer. I guess I had never really understood what they were looking for. She had a couple symptoms of Neuroblastoma, and because the ultrasound pictures were a little hazy, they weren't sure if it was a tumor, or just bad pictures, so they had to move forward in that direction. My heart sank and I became sick to my stomach, anticipating that my precious baby could have cancer. However, something amazing happened. I was called to prayer and felt an amazing peace in my heart. I knew God was with me, and whatever happened, whatever the outcome He would provide. So I stepped out in faith and emailed everyone I knew, some I talk to everyday, so I haven't talked to in years and asked for prayers. Something amazing happened over the next 72 hours. I was contacted by so many people letting me know they were praying for Mia and our family. People I didn't know emailed me their prayers. People laid hands on me and prayed at Creative Christmas rehearsal, and my husband and I joined in prayer every night. I have never felt a calm like I did during that time. We went to Mia's test and they gave her an IV and then sedated her, the whole time I prayed and knew that so many around us were praying as well. Here she is after she woke up from sedation. She wanted her sippy cup, even though she has NO idea how to use it.

And here is her little IV...this may have been the saddest part...

And here is her little IV...this may have been the saddest part...
After her test the waiting began, but the prayer continued.
On Thursday morning, December 18th, I received amazing news. Mia was cancer free, there was no Neuroblastoma and she was clear. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders and I knew God had heard our cries. Now we just had to wait and hear about her EEG results. I prepared myself for seizures and how we would deal with those. However, at 5:30pm on Thursday evening, the phone rang. It was Dr. Anderson, Mia's pediatrician. My heart sank. No news is ever good when the Dr. calls. However, once again God was ever faithful. He was calling to tell me that ALL of Mia's test were normal...ALL OF THEM!! No seizures, no cancer. He said she is healthy. They are treating her with Prevacid for acid reflux and think that may be causing the symptoms. She has been on the Prevacid for about 4 days and we are already starting to see the symptoms lessen. She also slept through the night from 8:00pm to 7:45am. That has NEVER happened. I am just so blessed to have a GOD that is the ultimate healer, who hears the cries of his people. I will give all the glory to GOD, knowing that by Him and the prayers of so many, my daughter is healthy. What an amazing Christmas Gift.
So after all is Mia at 34 weeks! She will be 8 months old on Monday!
Of course trying to eat her bear!
On Thursday morning, December 18th, I received amazing news. Mia was cancer free, there was no Neuroblastoma and she was clear. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders and I knew God had heard our cries. Now we just had to wait and hear about her EEG results. I prepared myself for seizures and how we would deal with those. However, at 5:30pm on Thursday evening, the phone rang. It was Dr. Anderson, Mia's pediatrician. My heart sank. No news is ever good when the Dr. calls. However, once again God was ever faithful. He was calling to tell me that ALL of Mia's test were normal...ALL OF THEM!! No seizures, no cancer. He said she is healthy. They are treating her with Prevacid for acid reflux and think that may be causing the symptoms. She has been on the Prevacid for about 4 days and we are already starting to see the symptoms lessen. She also slept through the night from 8:00pm to 7:45am. That has NEVER happened. I am just so blessed to have a GOD that is the ultimate healer, who hears the cries of his people. I will give all the glory to GOD, knowing that by Him and the prayers of so many, my daughter is healthy. What an amazing Christmas Gift.
So after all is Mia at 34 weeks! She will be 8 months old on Monday!
Of course trying to eat her bear!
33 weeks...and testing
So here is the update on why it has taken so long for me to update. Right around Thanksgiving Mia started having some arm twitches. Basically she would drop her head and raise her left arm. We took her to the Dr. and they said it was probably just a muscle jerk, so we went home. Well, it started getting worse and then eventually her eyes starting rolling up and back during these episodes, so we took her in for a stomach ultrasound of her adrenal glands and an EEG, to measure brainwave activity to see if she was having seizures. So these pictures were taken after her EEG. They glue the electrodes to her head, so her hair looked like this for days.

Christmas Photo Shoot
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's been awhile...a lot has been going on!
So there has been so much going on in the Stocking resident, that I am VERY behind in blogging about my precious baby girl. So I will update with every week now!! So here are the pictures from 32 weeks!!! This first picture is from Thanksgiving at my mom's house (I told you I was behind)!!! We had a great time and we had so much to be thankful for!! I am so thankful for the wonderful family I have, the amazing husband I've been blessed with, the beautiful baby girl that melts my heart and the most amazing friends.
Mia got to try some mashed potatoes, but wasn't quite sure about it!!
Here she is...32 weeks old!
Here we are before going to my Christmas party...she loves to grab faces now!
Look how adorable my little girl is!!

Okay, now for a funny story....I had just been talking to Josh and told him how thankful I was that Mia has never pooped in the tub. Well of course, I jinxed myself. So that night, she pooped in the tub. So when I lifted her out, I realized that she was getting ready to go again. I didn't know what to, I put her on the toilet and she finished pooping. Josh came up the stairs, and upon seeing her on the toilet, bust into laughter. And this happened 4, yes 4 nights in a row!!! So my little 7 month old baby has pooped on the's that for advanced!! haha!!
Mia got to try some mashed potatoes, but wasn't quite sure about it!!
Okay, now for a funny story....I had just been talking to Josh and told him how thankful I was that Mia has never pooped in the tub. Well of course, I jinxed myself. So that night, she pooped in the tub. So when I lifted her out, I realized that she was getting ready to go again. I didn't know what to, I put her on the toilet and she finished pooping. Josh came up the stairs, and upon seeing her on the toilet, bust into laughter. And this happened 4, yes 4 nights in a row!!! So my little 7 month old baby has pooped on the's that for advanced!! haha!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
31 weeks
Here is Mia this week in her mini skirt...her belly is getting a little big, so I figured I would try to get one more picture with her in it!
30 weeks old!
Well little Miss Thing continues to grow and change before our eyes. Her newest "Trick" is making this really weird grunting noise. I'm not sure where it came from but she definately grunts all the's not so bad at home, but it is a little embarrassing at the store when this little baby is grunting all the time!! She has also started doing a way cooler trick. She is starting to try and sign the word "MILK". I have been signing the words "MILK", "MORE", "EAT", and "ALL DONE" for about 4 weeks now, but just the other day I looked and as I said and signed "MILK" she started flicking her right was really exciting.
Well here are Mia's newest pictures from the week prior. Her she is in her bears outfit from "Uncle Burkle and Aunt Jess"~
Well here are Mia's newest pictures from the week prior. Her she is in her bears outfit from "Uncle Burkle and Aunt Jess"~
And this is her snowsuit....she hates putting it on, but it is so warm. It is worth it!
And this is what things usually look like, Mia with something in her mouth and drool all over.
Funny story about the sweater she is wearing. So I get her dressed and get ready to take her picture when Josh says, "Don't you think that sweater is too small, her belly is hanging all out." I had to laugh and inform his that it was a shrug and suppose to short...oh, all the girl fashion trends he will have to learn!! haha!~
Friday, November 14, 2008
29 weeks old!
Well Miss Mia is 29 weeks old. I can't believe she is almost 7 months old already. I think we are still trying to cut a tooth. She has been so crabby lately, drooling a ton, chewing on everything, she had a runny nose and still there is no sign of a tooth. I really hope one comes sooner than later, because Mommy and Daddy are REALLY tired!!
Well, we have also started a mommy and me swimming class. It meets once a week for 30 minutes. The first class she HATED, I couldn't believe it because she loves bathtime and water. So after thinking about it, I assumed it had to do with all the people, the sound of the water and the massive amount of water, so to better prepare her I decided it was time for her to bathe in the big girl bathtub. She LOVED it!!! She loves to splash and play and get wet. This made swim class go so much better. So here is Mia splashing in the tub...I decided I better not post any of the ones with her little "boobies" showing!
Here she is in her bikini right before swim class
This had to be one of the funniest things...Mia grabbed the hanger and started chewing on it. Well, we were getting ready to leave so I took it away from her and she FREAKED out. I mean crying, flopping backward, I believe we saw our first temper tantrum over a "toy". So I gave it back to her and this was the result! If you look real close you can see the drool she has ALL OVER!
Well, we have also started a mommy and me swimming class. It meets once a week for 30 minutes. The first class she HATED, I couldn't believe it because she loves bathtime and water. So after thinking about it, I assumed it had to do with all the people, the sound of the water and the massive amount of water, so to better prepare her I decided it was time for her to bathe in the big girl bathtub. She LOVED it!!! She loves to splash and play and get wet. This made swim class go so much better. So here is Mia splashing in the tub...I decided I better not post any of the ones with her little "boobies" showing!
28 weeks old!
So as you can see I'm almost 2 weeks behind. I feel like life is moving in fast forward and I'm stuck on pause. Somedays I just feel like I am moving so slow. So I vowed to update her blog tonight. Mia is sitting up by herself all the time and playing like a big girl. She still hates to be on her tummy and will only roll from back to front and then scream until you flip her over. She definately knows what she wants. She still loves her solid foods. Her favorites are applesauce and sweet potatoes. She looks like a little bird opening her mouth searching for food. She is also attempting to hold her own bottle, however, she still prefers just to lay there and be fed! We have also started to try to introduce a sippy cup and water...she is still not to sure about the whole thing!

Since we had such nice weather for it being November I decided to take her to the park to play. She loves being in the swing and being pushed...she giggles and's too cute!
I also decided to conduct my own little photo shoot with her. So I set her in the leaves and just started snapping pictures. They are nothing fancy, but I thought it was cute to capture in with the fall leaves. She is changing as quickly as the leaves.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Mia's 1st Halloween
Well even though Mia was so little this year and couldn't really Trick or Treat, we still had a very eventful Halloween. Our weekend started Thursday night, October 30th. We went over to a friend's brother's house to go Trick or Treating. It was so cute to see all the little kids dressed up.
Mia was a MAGIC PONY for Halloween. It kind of reminded me of a My Little Pony. She was so adorable and she even wore her hat the whole time! What a good little girl.
Here she is all dressed up in her pony costume
Mia was a MAGIC PONY for Halloween. It kind of reminded me of a My Little Pony. She was so adorable and she even wore her hat the whole time! What a good little girl.
Here she is all dressed up in her pony costume
In her Trick or Treat candy tub...she is pretty "sweet"
Brock Lansing (almost 7 months), Mia (6 months) and Owen Schertz (7.5 months)
Aren't they adorable?
Here is a picture of Mia and Owen Schertz (almost 8 months)
They look like they are dating here...I'm sure this picture will come back to
haunt them later in life!
They look like they are dating here...I'm sure this picture will come back to
haunt them later in life!
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