Well it has been a rough week to say the least. My grandma passed away last Thursday, August 7th. It was so hard to say goodbye to such an amazing woman. However, there was one thing that brought me peace...I took Mia up to the hospital Thursday night, because we got permission for her to be there (nobody under age 12 allowed). I sat her on the bed with grandma and Mia hit her arms a few times, then I put her up by Grandma's face and she drooled on Grandma's forhead! :) I left knowing that even though grandma wasn't awake, I know she felt Mia's presence, she loved her SO much. Not even 12 hours after we left, Grandma passed. I truly think Grandma was waiting to say goodbye to Mia. I know that Mia has a very special guardian angel watching over her! I am at peace knowing she is in a better place and she got to say goodbye to her great-grandbaby!
Mia turned 16 weeks today...it is unbelievable to think that she is almost 4 months old. She is so much fun, laughing, smiling and developing a personality everyday. She loves seeing grandma and especially Aunt Lindsey, who watches her everyday...they have really formed a special bond that I am so greatful for.
This week is also exciting because tomorrow, August 13th marks the 6 year anniversary of mine and Josh's first date. 6 years ago tomorrow Josh picked me up from the gym, took me to the Dock for dinner, we walked on the river, and watched Varsity Blues at my college house. Who would have thought 6 years later, we would be married almost 4 years and reaping the blessings of our 16 week old daughter. I am so blessed to have met someone who completes me so perfectly. He truly is one of the greatest blessings in my life!
Here we are after Grandma's funeral

Mia after Grandma's funeral...she looked so adorable...Grandma would have loved it!

Here is she looking so big in her jeans and little hoodie!

She is so big, she can face outwards in the stroller...she loves when we go for walks like this.

And here she is for the first time in the grass...

...I'm not sure she liked it!
And here we are...16 weeks old!
Watch out boys...check out that face...she is TOO cute!

So big...