26 weeks, 6 months, half of a year...no matter how you put it, Mia is celebrating her half birthday. Our baby girl is 6 months old!! As I sit here writing this post, I had to stop and just think for a minute. I am almost brought to tears as I think back to what the last 6 months have looked like. It started with a trip to Labor and Delivery because I thought my water was leaking and finished with an emergency C-section with Josh almost not making it in time, because her heartrate was dropping. Just 6 short months ago, the life Josh and I once knew, changed forever in an instance. At 10:51pm, April 22nd, our baby girl was born, and moments later we held her for the first time. It would be the first time we would cry tears of joy at the sight of our miracle baby. Over the next few months, there were trials and tribulations as we dealt with a colic baby who we later found was allergic to formula. There were nights Josh spent sleeping on the floor of Mia's room, while I rocked her for hours...and then we would switch. I remember the nights sobbing in her room, staring at my crying baby, wondering if I was really meant to be a mom...and yet as I sit here today, I wouldn't trade those moments for anything. During those moments God taught me patience at a new level, He showed me a love that only a wife can have for her husband as he lays on the floor "just to be supportive", I learned to appreciate my parents a little bit more for the sacrifices I know now they made, I learned what it means to truly love unconditionally and because of that I wouldn't change a thing.
The other thing that has happened through theses experiences is that we have learned to really appreciate and understand Mia's personality. I can't tell you what a blessing she is to be around. Her smiles melt my heart and her giggles make me tear up. We have watched her develop into this amazing baby and we have come to realize that she is just a "tad" sensitive. She knows what she wants, when she wants it!! I can't explain the feeling I get when my daughter smiles as I walk in the room after getting home from work, or the grin she gives her daddy first thing in the morning. These are feelings I never knew I could feel, but am so glad God blessed us with the chance to experience them.
So on Mia's Half Birthday I say: "Happy Birthday, Cricket!! Thank you for being the most amazing blessing to come into our lives! We love you with all our heart and can't wait to watch you grow, learn, and conquer the world! We love you! Love, Mommy!!"
*Okay so I wrote a book today...sorry...here are the pictures...and if you made it this far in the reading...THANKS!
My cousin got married last weekend and this is the dress Mia wore.
Family picture at the wedding
Mia fell asleep, so Grandma rocked her so mommy could eat

Daddy and Mia's first dance to "Butterfly Kisses". Mia is so blessed to have such an amazing daddy.

Playing with her new toy

This is Mia all bundled up for her morning walk with Daddy and Comiskey

26 weeks old
Look at that smile
And here are some pictures from her 6 month photo shoot. We got them done at Portrait Innovations. They turned out pretty cute!