Roman has started saying "dada". Not consistently, but he is definitely making the noises. I was really hoping "mama" would be first this time, but no such luck.
Things Mia says,
*"I love you mama"
*"Ooooh, that's my favorite" (referring to whatever it is she sees at the moment, today was socks)
*Today I told Mia we were going to see Nana and she said "Aw, Nana my best friend" Followed by her running over and giving me a kiss on the head and a pat on the back
*On the way to the store, she looked over at Roman and said "Mama, I just love my bubbies. He's so cute"
*After she didn't get a sticker for listening at naptime she said "I make you happy? I try again next time."
Sometimes she seriously cracks me up. She is so sweet sometimes and lately has really wanted to please us. Her feelings are very hurt if we tell her that we are said because of XYZ. She will almost always respond now with a pouty lips, some tips and an I'm sorry, I make you happy.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve and Tears
So it's Christmas Eve and Josh and I were driving as we started talking about the kids. We chatted about how fast they are growing and how amazing Christmas is going to be with Mia this year as she understands so much more this year. We also started talking about how lazy Roman is...still barely sitting at 7 1/2 months, rolling only if he has to, and generally just being lazy. I told Josh we should enjoy those moments, because one day we will wish he was that little again. And then it happened. I couldn't help, or stop it. The tears came. They filled my eyes and I felt the lump in my throat grow.
Josh and I have talked and we are not 100% sure, but probably more than 50% sure that we are done having children. We are in love with the 2 we have and are so blessed. However, as we talked about our children growing up I couldn't help but feel that twinge of wanting a newborn, not now, but the reality of this being our last Christmas with an infant was hard for me to swallow for a moment.
I will write more later about the "grieving" process I am going through as we decide whether or not we will have any more kids. But for now, I am headed to bed, so that in the morning I can watch the delight on Mia's face as she experiences Christmas and we celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus.
Josh and I have talked and we are not 100% sure, but probably more than 50% sure that we are done having children. We are in love with the 2 we have and are so blessed. However, as we talked about our children growing up I couldn't help but feel that twinge of wanting a newborn, not now, but the reality of this being our last Christmas with an infant was hard for me to swallow for a moment.
I will write more later about the "grieving" process I am going through as we decide whether or not we will have any more kids. But for now, I am headed to bed, so that in the morning I can watch the delight on Mia's face as she experiences Christmas and we celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Mia's Christmas List
Mia and I sat down the other day and wrote a letter to Santa.
Here is what was on this year's list:
Cinderella (A BIG, GIANT one)
Ariel Doll
Buzz, Woody, Bullseye
Scooby Doo Ball
This was hilarious because she doesn't EVER watch/see Scooby Doo and has NEVER had gum.
Too cute!! I love it!
To see things through the eyes of a child again.
We have also been doing a countdown to Christmas calendar with her. She is so excited each day to take a number off and see how close we are to Christmas and Baby Jesus' birthday. We are making a Happy Birthday Jesus cake for Christmas Day.
It is so fun to have her anticipate Santa Claus coming and talk about presents, but even more amazing to see her learn and anticipate Baby Jesus' birthday!
Here is what was on this year's list:
Cinderella (A BIG, GIANT one)
Ariel Doll
Buzz, Woody, Bullseye
Scooby Doo Ball
This was hilarious because she doesn't EVER watch/see Scooby Doo and has NEVER had gum.
Too cute!! I love it!
To see things through the eyes of a child again.
We have also been doing a countdown to Christmas calendar with her. She is so excited each day to take a number off and see how close we are to Christmas and Baby Jesus' birthday. We are making a Happy Birthday Jesus cake for Christmas Day.
It is so fun to have her anticipate Santa Claus coming and talk about presents, but even more amazing to see her learn and anticipate Baby Jesus' birthday!
Seriously, the flu?
So the last few nights Roman has been extremely fussy, up every couple of hours screaming his lungs out. He doesn't want to nurse, doesn't really want to be held, just screams. I swore it was an ear infection, so we made an appointment for Friday. Friday morning comes and Mia wakes up saying her belly hurts, considering she is potty-training I assume she has to poop. The morning continues as planned and we are getting ready to head to the Dr. when Mia turns and vomits ALL over me, the couch, the floor and herself. Oh my! So I clean her up, change my clothes and head to the dr. While we are there, she seems to be feeling much better. So we go into the room, get Bubs stripped down into his diaper, weighed (18lbs, 3oz) and told the Dr. will be right in. Seriously, no sooner does the nurse leave the room, Mia looks at me again and pukes all over the floor. I don't know what to do. I open the door and yell for the nurse. She comes with the wonderful pink "puke bucket". The dr. comes in and checks Roman over...all good. WHAT? He's Fine? So, we think it's teeth for sure now. Motrin has totally calmed him down. He then tells us the flu is going around and Mia should be better soon. Great!
Well it only gets better when Josh comes home early from work to help me out and then he gets sick, yes, he starts vomiting too! ARE YOU SERIOUS? AM I ON CANDID CAMERA? So off to bed go Mia and Josh...both throwing up. To make the day complete, I start the dry heaves about 5:30pm. Luckily, I never throw up but through the night my back aches, my stomach kills and I am sure I am going to vomit at any moment.
Let me just say that nursing and the flu do not really mix!
But 24 hours later we are all better. Thank the LORD!!
Well it only gets better when Josh comes home early from work to help me out and then he gets sick, yes, he starts vomiting too! ARE YOU SERIOUS? AM I ON CANDID CAMERA? So off to bed go Mia and Josh...both throwing up. To make the day complete, I start the dry heaves about 5:30pm. Luckily, I never throw up but through the night my back aches, my stomach kills and I am sure I am going to vomit at any moment.
Let me just say that nursing and the flu do not really mix!
But 24 hours later we are all better. Thank the LORD!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
He finally did it
So it only took him almost 7 months, but Roman finally rolled over from back to front. Don't worry he isn't rolling from front to back yet, although he has done it once. He first did this on Wednesday, December 8th. My mom was watching him, he was playing on his mat, and then he did it....kicked hard enough that he rolled himself over! She sent me a picture and I was so excited. This feeling, however, quickly turned to one of sadness. If I was a stay at home mom I would have been the first one to see my son do this, but instead I was at work and missed it. I was then reminded how blessed I am to have a job that I love, where I only work part time and I realized that even if I was a stay at home mom I may have missed this. I could have been at the store, on a date with the hubby, running errands, etc. So instead of wondering "What if..." I decided to think "How amazing". How amazing that my mom was there to watch him, tell me, take a picture.
Roman has also started tripoding, and can sometimes sit unassisted, not for long and not well but he is trying! He was 7 months old yesterday and it is amazing how much he is changing.
Other quick updates:
-Still nursing exclusively
-I'm making his food and he LOVES avocado, sweet potatoes and squash
-He adores his sister
-He is so laid-back, well mannered and overall AWESOME baby
Oh, Mia...there is so much to say about her. Here are just a couple of things.
-The biggest one is...She is POTTY-TRAINED!! YAY!!! She still wears a pullup sometimes, but overall she is doing amazing
-She loves to do her prayers before every meal and nap and bedtime
-She loves to pretend, make believe and sing
-She loves her brother and making him happy
-Naptime and bedtime have become a fight with her (each takes at least 20 minutes to complete)
-She LOVES LOVES LOVES school. She can't wait to go and pretends to go while she is at home.
-Her vocabulary is amazing, and she is super funny (I know we probably think she is funnier than others, but that's the perks of being her parents)
Roman has also started tripoding, and can sometimes sit unassisted, not for long and not well but he is trying! He was 7 months old yesterday and it is amazing how much he is changing.
Other quick updates:
-Still nursing exclusively
-I'm making his food and he LOVES avocado, sweet potatoes and squash
-He adores his sister
-He is so laid-back, well mannered and overall AWESOME baby
Oh, Mia...there is so much to say about her. Here are just a couple of things.
-The biggest one is...She is POTTY-TRAINED!! YAY!!! She still wears a pullup sometimes, but overall she is doing amazing
-She loves to do her prayers before every meal and nap and bedtime
-She loves to pretend, make believe and sing
-She loves her brother and making him happy
-Naptime and bedtime have become a fight with her (each takes at least 20 minutes to complete)
-She LOVES LOVES LOVES school. She can't wait to go and pretends to go while she is at home.
-Her vocabulary is amazing, and she is super funny (I know we probably think she is funnier than others, but that's the perks of being her parents)
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Another 5K and Mia's 1st Race
Saturday was Ambrose Homecoming and since I work there I decided to once again participate in the St. Ambrose Killer Bee 5K. Josh was also nice enough to join me, although I ended up pushing both kids and Josh ended up running by himself. The course is pretty hilly and I did HORRIBLE. I will use pushing both kids as an excuse, but I really need to get back into running shape. I ran the 3.1 miles in about 35 minutes, which is an all-time SLOW for me...oh well, at least I did it. And now I have some motivation to do WAY better.
It was also FREEZING out and by the time we were done Mia was beyond cold. However, we warmed up a bit and then it was time for her first race, the BUMBLE RUMBLE. She was NOT at all excited until the kids started running and then she thought it was all pretty funny. Daddy ran with her and she did great. She even "won" a medal (okay, everyone did, but she didn't realize that).
It was also FREEZING out and by the time we were done Mia was beyond cold. However, we warmed up a bit and then it was time for her first race, the BUMBLE RUMBLE. She was NOT at all excited until the kids started running and then she thought it was all pretty funny. Daddy ran with her and she did great. She even "won" a medal (okay, everyone did, but she didn't realize that).
Here she is running with daddy.
Fall Fun at the Apple Barn
I love fall, our family loves fall. We wait for this time of year all year long...and it's finally here. Fall has been made even more fun since having kids. This year for the first time we went to Stone's Apple Barn in Hampton, IL. We went with our small group from church and had a blast. Roman did was Roman does, and slept 99.99% of the time...he is such a good, laid back baby. Mia had a blast running around, picking apples, and eating them right off the trees.
Mia is at such a fun age, where she is really starting to enjoy the activities we are doing. She loved riding on Daddy's shoulders to pick apples from WAY up high! Eventhough it was cold and rainy, we had a blast.
Mia is at such a fun age, where she is really starting to enjoy the activities we are doing. She loved riding on Daddy's shoulders to pick apples from WAY up high! Eventhough it was cold and rainy, we had a blast.
Here is daddy and Mia as the rain started picking up, but everyone was still all smiles.
Here she is eating another one of the apples she picked...I'm not sure how many she ate while we were there!
And here is our family picture at the Apple Barn.
Her words and stories are becoming so clear and hilarious most of the time.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Roman...a little about our little man
Roman is the sweetest, laziest, most laid back baby. If he isn't hungry or tired, he usually isn't making a peep.
Josh and I have had a blast trying to figure out his personality, and even who he looks like. Some people say Josh, some say me, I don't think either of us are really sure who he looks like.
He loves to sit up and smile.
He is a huge flirt with the ladies. The smirk he gives melts my heart every time.
He is finally able to hold his head up really well, like I said he's lazy!
He hates tummy time, so did Mia, so no rolling over for the little man.
He sleeps in his crib and prefers to be laying flat over being in his swing (such the opposite of Mia).
He nurses quick and then loves to snuggle after.
He is starting to giggle and loves when daddy talks to him..
There is something very special about having a boy. I am so glad we have one of each and truly feel like our family is complete. He is so different from Mia and I love that about him. I am amazed every day at how much I can love these two precious babies. They remind me to enjoy the small things in life.
I don't always mind the late night feedings, as the house is quiet, and there is something so special about bonding with my baby boy in the midst of the quietness. We are blessed and I hope we continue to remember that as the days, months and years go by.
Josh and I have had a blast trying to figure out his personality, and even who he looks like. Some people say Josh, some say me, I don't think either of us are really sure who he looks like.
He loves to sit up and smile.
He is a huge flirt with the ladies. The smirk he gives melts my heart every time.
He is finally able to hold his head up really well, like I said he's lazy!
He hates tummy time, so did Mia, so no rolling over for the little man.
He sleeps in his crib and prefers to be laying flat over being in his swing (such the opposite of Mia).
He nurses quick and then loves to snuggle after.
He is starting to giggle and loves when daddy talks to him..
There is something very special about having a boy. I am so glad we have one of each and truly feel like our family is complete. He is so different from Mia and I love that about him. I am amazed every day at how much I can love these two precious babies. They remind me to enjoy the small things in life.
I don't always mind the late night feedings, as the house is quiet, and there is something so special about bonding with my baby boy in the midst of the quietness. We are blessed and I hope we continue to remember that as the days, months and years go by.
Roman sporting his cloth diapers
All about Mia
This is so much to say about our little girl, the new "big sister". Mia is such an amazing little girl who never ceases to amaze us, and always keeps us on our toes. It was such a blessing to have all summer off to spend with her and Roman. We did so much and kept ourselves very busy. We had LOTS of playdates with our good friends, Emily and Jackson, who moved away at the end of the summer. We miss them already. We enjoyed playdates with E&J and Abbie and Campbell at Miss Effie's Flower Garden and we spent lots of time at the park, pool, family museum and Monkey Joes. Life is good.
Here is Jackson and Mia on the tire swing
Here is Jackson and Mia on the tire swing

Here is our little fashionista
Here she is on her first day of school.

Here are current fun facts about Mia as of today:
1. She is 40 pounds (and wears 4T-5T clothing)
1. She is 40 pounds (and wears 4T-5T clothing)
2. She prays before every meal and every night before bed. Her prayers are simple and sweet, and as a mom I love hearing my little girl pray.
3. She knows her ABC's
4. Her numbers up 13 and with help up to 20.
4. Her numbers up 13 and with help up to 20.
5. She can identify shapes
6. All her animals and the sounds they make
7. She speaks in sentences and uses her manners MOST of the time.
8. She says the funniest things (ex. The other morning she comes downstairs wearing her pajamas and I tell her she is beautiful, she looks at me dead in the eye and says "Not a day, mommy, I wearing my jammies." I couldn't help but giggle.
9. She is very inquisitive. She wants to know everyones name, their mommy's name, their daddy's name, what they are doing (okay, maybe she is nosey)
10. She loves church and I love that she loves it.
11. She sleeps in a toddler bed and goes to bed every night with no problem.
12. She loves to imagine and pretend
13. She still LOVES books
14. She loves to sing and dance, her favorite song is "head, shoulders, knees and toes"
15. She makes me smile every day and reminds me how blessed I am!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Going from 3 to 4
This will be long so hopefully you will make it to the end.
I can't believe it's been 4 months already. We have survived so much and things have been SO different this time. To make this easier I will break it into sections:
1) Recovery: The recovery has been so much easier this time. It was so wonderful to be able to get out of bed soon after delivery, pick up my daughter, eat, walk around, tend to my son all with out the pain of surgery. I was and am still exhilarated by my birth story. The fact that I pushed this 7lb 11oz baby out with no medication reminds me of what an awesome God I serve and how many people were praying for me during my journey.
2) Nursing: I really want to make nursing work this time. I nursed Mia for 6 weeks exclusively and then was completely done by 12 weeks. She had some stomach issues and we ended up having to put her on Nutramigen. I told myself I was going to try everything to make it work this time. And I did. We noticed early on that Roman was very gassy, having some trouble latching and his stools were a little mucousy. After much research, doctor visits, 2 La Leche League meetings, we decided that I would go dairy free. So for 4 months I have been dairy free, yes that means no cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, chocolate, etc. This was my commitment to my son and to making this nursing thing work. Well, it's worked. Roman is over 4 months old and we are still exclusively nursing. It is a wonderful bonding experience and I am enjoying every minute of it.
3) Sleeping: Roman is also a much better sleeper than Mia. He started off just like Mia sleeping on my chest in the recliner, we then transitioned to the swing and at 5 weeks we started transitioning to the crib and since then he has consistently gone to bed every night at 8:30pm and then usually wakes once to nurse, goes right back down to sleep and then wakes up again between 5:30 and 6:30, the great thing is for many this would start the morning, but Roman nurses and goes back to sleep AGAIN!! YAY!! Usually until around 7:30 or 8:00. What a good little baby.
4) Getting out and about: Well, we were a pretty active family before Roman and we have kept up that lifestyle and he has just adjusted to it. It's been great. Yes, taking 2 out requires a little more planning and a few more things in the bag, but we get it done. I even take them out quite a bit by myself. We go to Target, the park, Stroller Strides, play dates, the zoo, you name and we have been there. That is another difference with a second baby...with Mia we didn't go ANYWHERE...we sat at home and stared at her. Roman gets to go everywhere with the family. Of course, he sleeps most of those places!
5) Diapers: So after talking with quite a few friends and doing some research, we decided to cloth diaper Roman. Okay, I actually decided and Josh grudgingly went along with the idea.
So since he was about 6 weeks old we have been cloth diapering using the BumGenius 3.0 and I love it! It's easy, it's quick and best of all it was cheap. There was a sale so my entire stash cost me $200, just think that is only about 5 boxes of you know how fast you go through a box of diapers?
6) Mia: Mia adores him!!!! She was a little unsure at first, but the moment we brought him home she loved him. She is always asking where her "bubba" is, wants to check on him every morning when she wakes, likes to hold him on her lap, give him multiple kisses a day, and always makes sure he has his "momo" (pacifier). She is so sweet with him!!
With us on the other hand is a different story. She decided it was a good idea to be a little naughty after bring Roman home. She would always wait until I was nursing, since she knew I couldn't do anything. Oh Mia! Good thing we love you so much.
Well, there is tons more, but I will cut it off here as to not bore you, although I may have already done that! :)
I can't believe it's been 4 months already. We have survived so much and things have been SO different this time. To make this easier I will break it into sections:
1) Recovery: The recovery has been so much easier this time. It was so wonderful to be able to get out of bed soon after delivery, pick up my daughter, eat, walk around, tend to my son all with out the pain of surgery. I was and am still exhilarated by my birth story. The fact that I pushed this 7lb 11oz baby out with no medication reminds me of what an awesome God I serve and how many people were praying for me during my journey.
2) Nursing: I really want to make nursing work this time. I nursed Mia for 6 weeks exclusively and then was completely done by 12 weeks. She had some stomach issues and we ended up having to put her on Nutramigen. I told myself I was going to try everything to make it work this time. And I did. We noticed early on that Roman was very gassy, having some trouble latching and his stools were a little mucousy. After much research, doctor visits, 2 La Leche League meetings, we decided that I would go dairy free. So for 4 months I have been dairy free, yes that means no cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, chocolate, etc. This was my commitment to my son and to making this nursing thing work. Well, it's worked. Roman is over 4 months old and we are still exclusively nursing. It is a wonderful bonding experience and I am enjoying every minute of it.
3) Sleeping: Roman is also a much better sleeper than Mia. He started off just like Mia sleeping on my chest in the recliner, we then transitioned to the swing and at 5 weeks we started transitioning to the crib and since then he has consistently gone to bed every night at 8:30pm and then usually wakes once to nurse, goes right back down to sleep and then wakes up again between 5:30 and 6:30, the great thing is for many this would start the morning, but Roman nurses and goes back to sleep AGAIN!! YAY!! Usually until around 7:30 or 8:00. What a good little baby.
4) Getting out and about: Well, we were a pretty active family before Roman and we have kept up that lifestyle and he has just adjusted to it. It's been great. Yes, taking 2 out requires a little more planning and a few more things in the bag, but we get it done. I even take them out quite a bit by myself. We go to Target, the park, Stroller Strides, play dates, the zoo, you name and we have been there. That is another difference with a second baby...with Mia we didn't go ANYWHERE...we sat at home and stared at her. Roman gets to go everywhere with the family. Of course, he sleeps most of those places!
5) Diapers: So after talking with quite a few friends and doing some research, we decided to cloth diaper Roman. Okay, I actually decided and Josh grudgingly went along with the idea.
So since he was about 6 weeks old we have been cloth diapering using the BumGenius 3.0 and I love it! It's easy, it's quick and best of all it was cheap. There was a sale so my entire stash cost me $200, just think that is only about 5 boxes of you know how fast you go through a box of diapers?
6) Mia: Mia adores him!!!! She was a little unsure at first, but the moment we brought him home she loved him. She is always asking where her "bubba" is, wants to check on him every morning when she wakes, likes to hold him on her lap, give him multiple kisses a day, and always makes sure he has his "momo" (pacifier). She is so sweet with him!!
With us on the other hand is a different story. She decided it was a good idea to be a little naughty after bring Roman home. She would always wait until I was nursing, since she knew I couldn't do anything. Oh Mia! Good thing we love you so much.
Well, there is tons more, but I will cut it off here as to not bore you, although I may have already done that! :)
First days
We decided it was time to go back and start updating the blog so that Roman's life is documented as well! So I will start off with some pictures and then try to get semi caught up and then be more diligent about writing. I don't even know if any one even reads this, but it will be fun for us to go back every now and then and see how much life has changed.
Here are some great pictures.

Here are some great pictures.
Here is Mia meeting Roman for the first time, so sweet
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Back to the bump and grind...
So today after looking back through old post, I realized how much I loved reading the old stuff I had blogged about. It's been 4 months since I have written and we (Josh and I) decided it was time to start keeping track of all that's going on in life again so we don't forget. It's so easy to forget what happened just a short time ago.
So if you are reading this, there should be lots of new posts to come!
So if you are reading this, there should be lots of new posts to come!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My VBAC Birth Story
So this may be TMI, or explicit, for some to read, so read at your own risk. However, I wanted to document what this birth was like so I am doing it here.
Saturday, May 8th, I experienced REAL contractions for the first time. I timed them and they were about 5 minutes apart for 2 hours, but then they stopped. On Monday morning, while I was at work, I started feeling like my period was coming. I was having really low cramping and some contractions. I went to the Midwife and they said I was experiencing Prodromal Labor (Pre-Labor). They checked my cervix and said I was 90% effaced but only a fingertip dialated. They also said I could experience this for weeks. OH GREAT!!
Tuesday night, May 11th, I went to work, still having some very mild cramps/contractions. Then I went to Stroller Strides and worked out. While I was there I was chatting with my friend Abbie about my labor book. I told her I was waiting for her letter before I would go into labor. That night I received an email from Abbie, entitled "Now you can go into labor" with her labor focus letter. I literally walked upstairs after laughing at the title, went to the bathroom and realized I had just lost my mucus plug. I came downstairs and told Josh and started laughing about how ironic this all was! Again, losing your plug doesn't "really" mean anything, I could still be pregnant for hours or weeks.
So in an effort to move things along I told Josh it was time to have sex (Midwife orders)! haha! So afterwards, we went to sleep, but I started having contractions. I figured they would go away. By midnight, I was really uncomfortable, so I decided to get up and start timing them. I went to the bathroom and headed downstairs to time contractions. After a few that were 3.5 to 4 minutes apart, I thought I peed on myself. Quickly, I thought maybe my water broke. I ran up to the bathroom and as I sat down another big gush...this made me think I hadn't peed myself, my water broke. After this, the contractions started getting closer and more intense. I woke Josh up and we called his mom, telling her this could be the real deal. She came to the house and we were off to the hospital.
By the time we got to the hospital, I had soaked my pad, underwear and pants (it was definitely my water). I checked into triage and realized that quickly that these contractions were NOT letting up. The nurse checked me and I was still only a fingertip dialated. Needless to say, I was rather frustrated, but since I was a VBAC and my water broke, they admitted me.
I got to the room and my midwife came in to check me again. I was still only a fingertip, but we knew that could be an issue due to some cervical surgeries. So she checked me and within one check broke the scar tissue. I went from a fingertip to 2.5 cm in that check and the rest of my water broke on the table.
This is when it got intense. I decided to labor in the bathtub with the jets on. I was in there for close to 3 hours. I had made a playlist of songs that we sing at church that I listened to again and again. It was my escape to another place. I felt pretty in tune with my breathing and was handling things pretty well. Then it was so intense I wasn't sure I could handle them anymore. I decided I needed some medicine. So I got out of the tub and they checked me again. I was almost 5 cm. This was great but I knew I had 5 more to go. I decided to get a shot of Nubain. It didn't take away the pain but it allowed me to doze off a bit in between contractions. I labored hard for what seemed like forever. At 8cm I begged for an epidural, I was sure I couldn't do it and was in a lot of pain. However, I had the most amazing team at my side. The most amazing thing was hearing my husband sitting at my side saying "You can do this, you've made it this far, you are doing amazing." It was so encouraging to hear him have such amazing faith in me. So no epidural for me. Finally it was time to push. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I labored on my hands and knees for a long time trying to turn the baby, who was trying to come out sideways. I finally went to my back and started pushing there. About 1.5 hours into pushing they had to due an episiotomy because baby's heartrate was starting to dip and if we didn't get baby out soon, a C-section was in my near future. After they did that, I experienced the WORST pain I've ever felt...and then, HE was here!! The most amazing feeling was them laying our son on my chest and seeing my husband crying, realizing we had a son! My VBAC was the painful, hard and the most rewarding thing I've ever done! I am so proud of myself and the way it all turned out. I had an amazing, supportive team and a God that helped me realize I can do All Things Through Him Who Gives Me Strength.
So Roman William made his arrival on Wednesday, May 12th, 2010 at 10:25am after 10 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing. He weighed 7lbs, 11oz and was 20 inches long and is the most perfect baby ever.
The last picture of me smiling, in triage
Saturday, May 8th, I experienced REAL contractions for the first time. I timed them and they were about 5 minutes apart for 2 hours, but then they stopped. On Monday morning, while I was at work, I started feeling like my period was coming. I was having really low cramping and some contractions. I went to the Midwife and they said I was experiencing Prodromal Labor (Pre-Labor). They checked my cervix and said I was 90% effaced but only a fingertip dialated. They also said I could experience this for weeks. OH GREAT!!
Tuesday night, May 11th, I went to work, still having some very mild cramps/contractions. Then I went to Stroller Strides and worked out. While I was there I was chatting with my friend Abbie about my labor book. I told her I was waiting for her letter before I would go into labor. That night I received an email from Abbie, entitled "Now you can go into labor" with her labor focus letter. I literally walked upstairs after laughing at the title, went to the bathroom and realized I had just lost my mucus plug. I came downstairs and told Josh and started laughing about how ironic this all was! Again, losing your plug doesn't "really" mean anything, I could still be pregnant for hours or weeks.
So in an effort to move things along I told Josh it was time to have sex (Midwife orders)! haha! So afterwards, we went to sleep, but I started having contractions. I figured they would go away. By midnight, I was really uncomfortable, so I decided to get up and start timing them. I went to the bathroom and headed downstairs to time contractions. After a few that were 3.5 to 4 minutes apart, I thought I peed on myself. Quickly, I thought maybe my water broke. I ran up to the bathroom and as I sat down another big gush...this made me think I hadn't peed myself, my water broke. After this, the contractions started getting closer and more intense. I woke Josh up and we called his mom, telling her this could be the real deal. She came to the house and we were off to the hospital.
By the time we got to the hospital, I had soaked my pad, underwear and pants (it was definitely my water). I checked into triage and realized that quickly that these contractions were NOT letting up. The nurse checked me and I was still only a fingertip dialated. Needless to say, I was rather frustrated, but since I was a VBAC and my water broke, they admitted me.
I got to the room and my midwife came in to check me again. I was still only a fingertip, but we knew that could be an issue due to some cervical surgeries. So she checked me and within one check broke the scar tissue. I went from a fingertip to 2.5 cm in that check and the rest of my water broke on the table.
This is when it got intense. I decided to labor in the bathtub with the jets on. I was in there for close to 3 hours. I had made a playlist of songs that we sing at church that I listened to again and again. It was my escape to another place. I felt pretty in tune with my breathing and was handling things pretty well. Then it was so intense I wasn't sure I could handle them anymore. I decided I needed some medicine. So I got out of the tub and they checked me again. I was almost 5 cm. This was great but I knew I had 5 more to go. I decided to get a shot of Nubain. It didn't take away the pain but it allowed me to doze off a bit in between contractions. I labored hard for what seemed like forever. At 8cm I begged for an epidural, I was sure I couldn't do it and was in a lot of pain. However, I had the most amazing team at my side. The most amazing thing was hearing my husband sitting at my side saying "You can do this, you've made it this far, you are doing amazing." It was so encouraging to hear him have such amazing faith in me. So no epidural for me. Finally it was time to push. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I labored on my hands and knees for a long time trying to turn the baby, who was trying to come out sideways. I finally went to my back and started pushing there. About 1.5 hours into pushing they had to due an episiotomy because baby's heartrate was starting to dip and if we didn't get baby out soon, a C-section was in my near future. After they did that, I experienced the WORST pain I've ever felt...and then, HE was here!! The most amazing feeling was them laying our son on my chest and seeing my husband crying, realizing we had a son! My VBAC was the painful, hard and the most rewarding thing I've ever done! I am so proud of myself and the way it all turned out. I had an amazing, supportive team and a God that helped me realize I can do All Things Through Him Who Gives Me Strength.
So Roman William made his arrival on Wednesday, May 12th, 2010 at 10:25am after 10 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing. He weighed 7lbs, 11oz and was 20 inches long and is the most perfect baby ever.
The last picture of me smiling, in triage
The next time I smiled, meeting our son, moments after birth
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Full Term and Mother's Day
Well today marks 37 weeks, this means that I am full term in the eyes of the Drs. That is very exciting. Mia came at 37 weeks, 5 days so I am getting anxious to meet this little one. It really could be any day now. Today is also really special because it's Mother's Day. This day is such a special one for me because it helps me stop and realize how blessed I am to be a mom to such a beautiful, smart, loving little girl and how I will soon be mom to another baby so very soon.
Here are this weeks pictures, up another pound.

Up 1 pound
Here are this weeks pictures, up another pound.
Bare belly (have I dropped at all yet?)
And one from the front (man that belly is big)
Mommy and Mia on Mother's Day
This is Mia and I last Mother's Day (2009)

My very first Mother's Day (2008). This year was special for many reasons: 1: It was my FIRST Mother's Day and 2: it was the Sunday we dedicated Mia to the Lord.

36 weeks
This week I gained another 2 pounds...that is 5 pounds in 2 weeks. Not sure where the sudden weight gain came from but oh well. We are getting close to the end.
Here are this weeks pictures.
Here are this weeks pictures.
Full body shot
Bare belly shot
View from the front
And a view from the back (this is only because everyone keeps saying you can't tell from the back that I'm pregnant and I wanted to see for myself)
Up 2 pounds
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Mia's 2nd birthday!
Well, it's official. Our baby has turned 2. I can't believe that Miss Mia is already another year older. Sometimes when I think about it, it makes me sad, other times, I love that she is growing up. I guess this birthday was a little different because we are so close to meeting Baby Stocking and I realize that soon Mia will no longer be our "baby".
We celebrated her birthday the weekend before, which is good because she has actually not been feeling the greatest.
Here are some pictures from her birthday. She had a blast and was so good the entire time.
We had two birthday cakes for her and she loved both of them. Here is one of them with her adorable picture on it, the other one was a Dora Cupcake cake!
Sporting her Dora hat and carrying her Dora balloon.
I just love her expression here. This is while we were singing Happy Birthday. She just smiled the whole time, later she kept singing her version...."Ha Day Mimi!"
It is seriously too cute
Mia with her baseball bat, ball and new Sox hat from the Lovelady. This girl may be all tutus and dresses and cute, but I think she is going to make one heck of an athlete. She seems to have a natural ability for sports.
We celebrated her birthday the weekend before, which is good because she has actually not been feeling the greatest.
Here are some pictures from her birthday. She had a blast and was so good the entire time.
We had two birthday cakes for her and she loved both of them. Here is one of them with her adorable picture on it, the other one was a Dora Cupcake cake!
It is seriously too cute
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