Easter was amazing this year! What a difference a year makes. Last year with Mia was fun but searching for eggs this year was amazing. It was hilarious to hear her talk about the Easter Bunny, or as Mia would say, the Esser Bunny. We went to church Saturday night, which Mia loves and had a great time praising the Risen Lord. We are so much to be thankful for, we have been blessed beyond measure.
Here is a picture of Mia last year.
And here she is this year. Getting pictures of her is getting harder and harder the more active she gets. But I still love everytime I can catch her precious smile.

Here she is at my sister's house after the Easter Egg hunt. She is watching Grandma contently, waiting for more eggs.
Here is our family Easter picture. Mommy, baby, Mia and Daddy
This is what Mia wore while searching for Easter Egg's in the front yard. She had so much fun and couldn't run fast enough to get each egg. After she filled her basket, she wanted to sit and open each one. Then she thought she could eat whatever was in there. We decided we should go inside and play toys and mommy would empty the eggs.
Here we are on Easter Sunday at my sister's for dinner.
The boys are sporting the kid's new bouncy balls.
Josh, Me (32 weeks), Lindsey (24 weeks) and Auggi

Here is my 32 week belly. I gained another pound this week, and I have a feeling every week from here to the end is going to include more weight. 
And here is the bare belly shot of the week. I feel like I am carrying this baby really low...but it could just be me. It is definately getting bigger by the day. Not sure where I am going to fit 8 more weeks of baby!!