Saturday was Ambrose Homecoming and since I work there I decided to once again participate in the St. Ambrose Killer Bee 5K. Josh was also nice enough to join me, although I ended up pushing both kids and Josh ended up running by himself. The course is pretty hilly and I did HORRIBLE. I will use pushing both kids as an excuse, but I really need to get back into running shape. I ran the 3.1 miles in about 35 minutes, which is an all-time SLOW for me...oh well, at least I did it. And now I have some motivation to do WAY better.
It was also FREEZING out and by the time we were done Mia was beyond cold. However, we warmed up a bit and then it was time for her first race, the BUMBLE RUMBLE. She was NOT at all excited until the kids started running and then she thought it was all pretty funny. Daddy ran with her and she did great. She even "won" a medal (okay, everyone did, but she didn't realize that).
Here she is running with daddy.

On the way to the finish line

Mia and her medal!