She is talking a ton. Her favorite words are mama, dada, dog, bubble, bath, elmo, dora, baby, milk, snack, eat...and there are many more, but those are some favorites.
We talk about the baby in mommy's belly, so she likes to lift up my shirt and talk to the baby (which she thinks is my belly button). She also gives the baby kisses and even shares her momo (pacifier). She will be an amazing big sister.
Here are some pictures from her 18 month shoot that we had done at Scott County Park. Isn't she adorable!

Looking out the train window

1 comment:
your looking good mama!..and those pictures of Mia are adorable as always. I am in love with her knitted hat. darling! I am also excited that you are going for a VBAC. I have been looking into it so much lately (no we are not expecting, but just excited). You should check out the mothering forums. There is a VBAC thread that has lots of good reads.
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