So today marks the 27 week mark, which in most books constitutes the 3rd trimester! I can't believe that I am 2/3 of the way done with this pregnancy. It still amazes me! I had a doctor's appointment today, and they said everything is looking great. My weight gain has been good, I am measuring right on track, Amelia's heartrate was 138bpm and overall they are happy with how this pregnancy is going.
I did have to do my gestational diabetes test today, but I passed so that was a good thing. They are also sending my urine to the lab, there was a little bit of blood in it again today, and I may have another bladder infection...oh the joy!
Overall I am feeling good...and big and just excited that very soon we will be meeting our little girl. Here are the newest pictures from this week. This was a big weight gain week...3 pounds! YIKES!!! So I am officially up 17 lbs!
Uncovered belly

Covered belly

Belly from the's really starting to round out on the sides!

And one of face looks a little fat here! YIKES!

Thanks for all those who continue to pray for us...we really do appreciate it.
wow, it has gone soo fast!...and you still look so good. :)
2/3 of the way there, yay!!! I'm so glad we were able to hang out the other day, I'd missed you! Let's make sure to get together again soon!
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