Here is a picture of both of the panels I did.
it's little ballet shoes, so appropriate for our ballet themed room!
Here is the bottom curtain after I made another one and attached ribbons to both of them to keep them tied back.

Also this week, I started contemplating what I wanted to bring Amelia home in. Yes, I understand that the practical thing would be a onesie or a sleeper gown, but hey, it's my first baby and I'm a tad bit impractical at times. So I was talking to my mom and she mentioned that she still had the outfit I came home from the hospital in...that settled it. Amelia is going to come home in the same outfit I came home in almost 27 years ago!! My mom had it in a box with my baptisimal gown and on the box had written what I wore each outfit for and that she had boxed it with love on August 20, 1981. Can you believe that!! So the lace on the dress is a little yellow, but who cares, it's the meaning and the photo opportunity that matter. I can't wait to bring our daughter home in the very same outfit her mommy wore home from the hospital. What a blessing. So here is a picture of the coming home outfit (it has a matching diaper cover that isn't pictured) and a picture of me 27 years ago this March, coming home from the hospital in the very same outfit.
Check out those cheeks...the ultrasound tech that did our 3D thought Amelia looked like she was going to have some cheeks on her...well if she does, we'll know where she got them!
This is me on the way home from the hospital!
This is me on the way home from the hospital!

How precious! I love the idea of having her wear the outfit you wore home! I highly doubt my mom has mine. :-) Her room looks awesome and I'm impressed with your craftiness. She will be here in no time!
nice work with the curtains and blanket...and how cute is that little dress!!!...and baby Heather..adorible!
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