Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 02, 2008

23 weeks old!

Sorry I didn't really take a lot of "fun" pictures this week. Mia continues to grow and change everyday. We started feeding her applesauce and she LOVES it...I still need to upload the video, we also gave her sweet potatoes tonight...everytime I lift the spoon up, she opens her mouth REAL wide waiting for the next bite...it's so cute. She has also figured out how to JUMP in her jumparoo, before she would maybe bounce once or twice, but today was full out jumping and laughing and smiling. I love to watch her grow and learn and just take in all of her surroundings. I sometimes still can't fathom the blessing she has been in my life, I just can't imagine life without her, and everyday I realize how much she was worth the wait, how God blessed me like He promised he would, how he taught me patience through my battle with infertility, and God knows I needed some patience with Mia!! haha!! She makes me want to be a better mother, a better daughter, sister, friend, wife. She reminds me how to love unconditionally and that tomorrow is always a new day, no matter how bad today was. Thank you, Mia, for making me a better person and for choosing us to be your parents!

23 weeks old!
Sucking on her fingers! That's her favorite thing to do.
Toes...she found them and is really starting to like them!

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